Carter Irish Champion & Australian Champion KesaSonas Little LeCarbul (import Ireland)
Carter arrived in Australia on the 27th August 2018 from Ireland
Carter was extensively shown in Ireland, UK and Europe before arriving here, where he achieved some wonderful results including Irish Champion, Ireland's No.1 French Bulldog 2018 (even though he left the country in August 2018) Celtic Winner 2018, and Irish Junior Champion
The dogs and the breeders behind Carter My husband and myself had studied breeders and pedigrees extensively before deciding on a breeder and dog.
Carters pedigree is a story of the dedicated breeders hard work to produce some of the top winning dogs in Europe.
His breeders Mr K and Mrs L Croarkin of KesaSonas French Bulldogs in Ireland have bred consistent true to type, sound, healthy and top winning show dogs. Carter's pedigree consists of some of the top kennels in the world Kingfriend (Great Britain), De La Parure (Belgium), Boule & Onuba (Spain) and Daulokkes from Denmark.
The reason to import a dog into Australia, was to improve our bloodlines with genetic diversity. Australia is in a unique position to the majority of the world when it comes to our strict quarantine regulations, and because of these regulations we don't have the genetic diversity that the rest of the world enjoys so easily.
The Royal Melbourne Show - September 2018 Carter hit the ground running since landing in Australia winning Best of Breed at the The Royal Melbourne Royal Show under Judge Mr Ivan Sandoval (Columbia) and then going on to win a position in the top 8 of the Non Sporting Group
French Bulldog Club of Victoria Specialty September 2018
Carter won Junior of Breed and then went on to win Junior in Show under Judge Mr Cochetti (Italy)
December 2018
Carter gained his Australian Title in just 3 months since arriving in Australia.